A series of unfortunate inhabitants through 2014, destroyed our splendid restoration work, but in Oct of 2015 the SmallHouse returned to my stewardship. Not particularly re-damaged structurally, it was, once again, a process of endless cleaning, and soon, yet again, the painting. I took the opportunity to construct a DIY composting toilet...
Toss out the horrible "water-guzzler"... (save the lid).
Some bits of salvaged plywood & boards...
Add the lid, vent into the main stack, and...Viola! Add your sawdust & enzymes..
As the building was not properly fastened to it's foundation, ( having been moved to this location ) there was an air infiltration issue, so I basically wrapped the little fellow up like an xmas present...( before winter near the 53rd parallel! ).
With the outside bandaged, I turned my attention to prettying up the inside. After installing some new (salvaged) carpet, I fashioned an unpretentious/functional, entertainment/storage unit from some beautiful new pine lumber, (that I actually bought!).