..Deepest apologies for extreme absence,.the Life of our Toum was taken
for no good reason, may She rest in Peace,..to say that I was lost for some
time, would be somewhat of an understatement,..ShangriLao is now
under the stewardship of her son & his family,.all of our plans, obviously,
are non-existant,..at length, I had to move forward or be consumed,..so,
the contents of this website are still valid & free,.and I shall begin, again,
to add content,..my Credo & my Brand remain "Between the Habit & the Dream"
..new post on "Prolomotion"..
...This Week,..Feb 11- 18 / 2024...
Although weather has been unusually warm for Manisnowball, and normally
warm/hot in ShangriLao,.we still feel like we're living in a holding pattern,..
waiting for spring,.waiting for paperwork that will allow us to finally be
together...Toum is busy gardening and finishing work on our new shop,.
Jim is alternately breaking and repairing Big Baby, as well as doing some
preliminary work on our old shop, in preparation for roof replacement this
...step by step,..the new shop is taking shape...
...new gate for access to roadway...
...let's leave the shop, and stroll through the garden!...
...the Cashew tree is growing in leaps & bounds...
...not a flower,.rather,.a handfull of sweet potatoes...
...Toum's " Tiny House ", is nearly hidden in greenery...
...meanwhile,..in winterland, Jim replaced a front wheel seal on Big Baby...
...inside the old shop, Jim has made "mini-roofs",
to protect all tools when roof is removed for
...stairway,.for upcoming roof replacement...
...This week,.Jan 7-14/ 2024...
I had mentioned that it seems as though this "New" year felt remarkably similar to
the "Old" one,..and the ramifications of that observation are disturbing, considering
the world continues it's headlong dive with unprecedented arrogance, stupidity, and
greed. It caused me to reflect upon who I/We are and why we do what we do,..One
might, in fact, ask WHY we maintain this website,..there is nothing for sale here,..
all our information is free, although there is a cost, in both time & dollars, in the
process. The answer is that we actually believe in in "Life Between the Habit &
Dream",..we don't preach it, we just live it and try to share it. Moreover, we believe
there exists a fundamental difference between "Humanity", and mere "Human Nature"
,.in fact, it can be seen that "Human Nature" is actually the nemesis of Humanity.
This understanding was not handed to us as an ideological doctrine,..rather, it was
learned by luck, and decades of life experience. As the underlying truth of the species
is that no human is able to act except in their own interest,.this website can be seen
as philosophy or preaching ( same thing ), on one hand, or personal therapy on the
other. In either case, the point is that we were born into this mindset over 60 years ago,
and raised accordingly,..So we will continue as long as we're able ,and if it helps
a few folks along the way, that will be our payment.
This week winter has gotten serious in Manisnowball, some snow each day , with
overnite temperatures touching -35,..Jim spent some frosty hours repairing a wiring
glitch on Super B's, . but mostly just putting wood in stove, ambition in these temps
is sparse, and truck travel is not wise. Temps in ShangriLao are hitting 30+ during
midday, the gardens are flourishing,.and the new "Shop" is nearing completion.
New posts on " Prolomotion", and "Smallhouse"
...on the bright side,.there's no grass to cut...
but let's leave Mb, and head to ShangriLao...
...constuction of new "shop" moves along...
...looks much different than January projects
in Manitoba...
...we'll close with a handfull of beautiful,
warm, ShangriLao natives...
This Week,..Dec 31/2023- Jan 7/2024...
Oddly,..this " new year " seems a lot like the last one,..weather in Mb has been unusually
mild,..good in some respects, but horrible for road conditions...Jim spent some time during
xmas holidays building new shelves in the " Small House "...meanwhile, summer continues
undaunted in ShangriLao, where construction is beginning on our retail outlet,.we will be
offreing miriad organic fruits & vegetables, as well as many hand-made articles...After
returning from her stay in Macau, Toum is very busy with gardens, grandchildren, and the
overseeing of the construction project...
...morning at ShangriLao...
...flowers at ShangriLao, in beautiful contrast to Mb...
...morning in Manitoba, lol...
...mild weather is no friend to the trucking buisiness...
...let's return to the warmth of ShangriLao,..
...accumulating materials for new construction...
...cornerstone , lol...
...step by step,..new building takes shape...
...in a smaller construction, Toum is making
traditional Khaolam, ..sticky-rice, with taro,
coconut milk, & sugar...
...the mixture is packed inside young bamboo
tubes, and cooked by an open fire...
...the result is healthy & delicious!...
This Week,.Nov 19-25 2023...
Mother Nature has been teasing manitoba by changing repeatedly from winter to
non-winter for several weeks, causing horrific driving conditions...Jim is " more
or less " prepared for actual winter...but dreading the thought! Toum is preparing
to return to ShangriLao at xmas, to begin the daunting task of re-discovering her
gardens amidst the exuberant growth!
...sadly,.for Manitobans, the lawn chair season has expired!...
...while riding on snow & ice is definately invigorating,..
the motorcycling season has also come to an end...
...DRIVING on snow & ice however,.is now all the rage
in Manisnowball,..and will be for about 8 months!...
...Meanwhile,.in amazing ShangriLao...foliage is in overdrive
with the waning of the rainy season...
...during myriad preparations for her return to ShangriLao,..
Toum has found time to create more beautiful garments...
...beautiful headwear for lucky bears & dogs...or people!...
This Week Oct 15-24 2023...
Some part of me feels compelled to apologize for not adding endless content
to our website,..but the Prolitarianpioneer ideal is simply about living "practically"
IN THE MIDDLE...we are constantly busy with that lifestyle, and the existing
content here speaks clearly about our ideals. Perhaps winter will allow more time
for additional content, and we do have plenty...of content, and winter!
For now, we will present a collection of life photos & comments. Jim is re-learning
winter skills, while Toum is tending to " growth-control ", as the rainy season
winds down,..while still finding time to create marvellous handcrafts. Our latest
visa application for Toum's acceptance into Canada is " in the works ", and ,
admittedly, after 4 years, we grow frustrated with constant separation.
...gardens are being cleared Mb,..but some mushrooms have not given up...
...a lot of tomatoes will have to ripen in the house !...
...the last handfull of garden goodies...
...carrots are the last holdouts,
and they decided to grow every size this year!...
...a beautiful sweater for me ,from my wife's
amazing hands,..just in time for winter..
...you know winter is around the corner
when the Tamaracks turn yellow...
...some local Mb. flowers are holding on,
despite several frosts...
...Bumblehorse posing with turning leaves...
...the "Gentleman's Adventure Bike"
posing at Wildernear...
...the very last leaves at "Townsite"...
...final lawn manicure at
Made & Found Manor...
...remarkable skirt made from
several other garments!...
...some new gravel for shop...
...our ancient "Tonka"
made short work of leveling...
...some new paint for Big Baby's trailers...
...some new front tires for Big Baby...
...sweet handmade skirt...
...Halloween, AND winter seem to
arriving simultaneously,..so Jim is
decorating accordingly!...
...we'll end on a " summertime" note,
with a sharp red handmade hat
for summery ShangriLao...
This Week,...August 24-31 2023
Summer is giving way to fall, harvest in Manitoba is in full
swing...Jim has fallen into a routine of working Big Baby
during the week, and picking / freezing garden goodies on
the weekend ( and cutting grass! ) The rainy season is
tapering off in ShangriLao,.Toum is visiting her sister again
and being very active, as usual...New post on
Hearticltures page...
...Jim took the opportunity to be proactive with the winter wood
supply,..the old Cockshutt 40 can still do the chores!...
...Yarn in the amazing hands of Toum promises good thins to come...
..Months of rain at ShangriLao have refilled our ponds...and made
happy fish and flowers!...
This Week,...July 9-16 2023...
Finally summer in Manitoba,.garden is early,.and not destroyed
by hail like last year...Jim recently returned from ShangriLao,..
where he was joined by Toum, for formal signing of final
marriage documents,...rainy season is beginning in Lao,.with
daily temperatures of +40, and nightly rains of 1-3 inches !..
Toum has returned to Macau, to care for her sister,.Jim continues
the daily regimen in Manitoba, as the immigration process
grinds on anew,..4 years and counting...
...Toum & Jim, in traditional wedding garb,..Lao, June 2023...
...garden is surpisingly early,.eating fresh beans,peas, beets,
and potatoes...
...crops seem early as well,..here the Bumblehorse poses
beside a field of Canola...
...This Week,...April 16-22 2023...
Spring arrived momentarily,.snow was basically gone for a few
days...we got the " adventure " bikes out for a little riding,.
Then winter returned with a vengance , in the form of a two day
blizzard,..standard procedure for Manisnowball. Our vintage
Oldsmobile ended up deep in a snowy ditch while returning from
a trip to the city ( 1000km),.it was unharmed. Happy news from
ShangriLao, where our grandaughter has just arrived!
Gloomy weather lingers for Toum in Macau. New posts on
"Prolomotion" & "Townsite"
...fleeting "fake" spring gave Jim a chance to ride...
...rebounding winter gave Jim a chance to retrieve
Oldsmobile from bottom of country ditch!...
...This Week,..April 1 - April 7 , 2023...
Seems like life is in the " pause " position, as winter clings stubbornly to Manitoba, and Toum
continues to spend time in Macau, where a cool, damp spring seems reluctant to allow summer.
Jim is alternatly breaking, then repairing Big Baby,.with the willing assistance of Manitoba's
brutal winter. In an attempt to influence Mother Nature,.we will display ShangriLao's ( endless )
summer bounty...new postings also on "Prolomotion",.and "Made & Found Manor"...
...just another day of driving in " Manisnowball "...
...Manitoba does occasionally try to compensate for bad weather manners...
...meanwhile,...ShangriLao has not the faintest idea about " winter "...
...ShangriLao also has an endless variety of delicious things to eat...
...the latest addition to ShangriLao's buildings..." The Resting Place "...
...handmade by ShangriLao's multi-talented family,..it overlooks the large pond...
... This Week,.Feb 26 - Mar 4 ...
Our deepest apologies,..an incredible series of technical issues combined with some logistical
choices have kept us offline...but we are finally back,..and with ( good ) news as well..
During October & November of 2022, Jim travelled to ShangiLao, where He and Toum were
finally married. Now the immigration waiting games resume once again...Manitoba is still in
middle of winter,. with a mere 13 weeks until gardening season,..ShangriLao , of course , is still
in endless summer. As we speak, Toum is visiting her sister in the fabulous resort of Macau...
and Jim is shovelling snow...
Glorious Manisnowball, Canada...with it's typical March wardrobe...
...Leaving Bangkok,.on flight to ShangriLao ...
...Traditional, handmade centrepiece for our wedding...
...Jim's beautiful wife on overnite bullet train to Bangkok...
...Honeymoom Sunrise on Bay of Thailand...
...Our beautiful SUV was befallen with calamity,.so we replaced it with an equally beautiful little truck...
...We travelled exstensevly in Lao,. this is us at the incredible Plane of Jars...
...more of the fabulous Plain Of Jars...
...Toum harvesting branches from roadside ...
...Jim learning to chop coconuts...
...us at the stunning tourist area around Vang Veng...
...another beautiful automobile...manufacturing standards
are MUCH higher than in the Americas...
...Toum modelling her dress after our " technical "
...Us with friends of Toum at floating restaurant...
...Jim posing with elephant at Chinese Club...
...Jim pretending to work in ShangriLao
...Stunning Vang Veng tourist area, central Lao...
...Enormous, breathtaking Nameuam Lake, northern Lao...
...Fabulous Blue Lagoon, northern Lao...
...Beautiful rivers,..central Lao...
...Timeless Bankok train station, well over 100 years old!...
...travelling by Tuk Tuk, in Bangkok...
...famous ancient train station, Hua Hin, Thailand...
...Toum at Veranda LodgeResort, Bay of Thailand...
...some old goat with a young beach bunny!...
...sunrise & sunset at our ShangriLao...
...Bounty and Beauty at ShangriLao...
...The larger Bear accompanied me home from Lao in 2019...his little friend came home with me in Dec 2023...
...This little guy came with me from Bangkok...he's wondering where his palm trees are !...
...This Week,.Mar 27-Apr 2...
Some signs of eventual spring in Manitoba,...and some signs of lingering winter...a few warm days
produced puddles here and there,. and a small lake inside the shop!...some rain also at ShangriLao,
and some blustery weather,.but Toum carries on developing our retirement paradise...
...while mother nature is teasing with some warmer days,..winter is still our reality for months...
...southern portions of the province, which received some what less snow, and warmer temps, have turned
into small, & not so small lakes!...
...puddles forming as well at our Manitoba townsite...
...and,.unfortunately, a rather large puddle formed inside the shop!...
But let's leave Manitoba Mother Natures' mind games, and be warm & dry in beautiful Shangri-Lao...
...yes,.it's STILL summertime in Shangri-La,..a view across the fish pond to a few of our "Tiny-Houses",
and our water tower behind...
...bittersweet grape tomatoes are on the menu today...
...more new life,.in the form of amazing bamboo...
...another delicacy from the backyard,..fresh Papaya...
...some bigger bamboo...
...some MUCH bigger bamboo!...
...last , but certainly not least...this gorgeous fellow is an up-and -coming CASHEW tree!...
...This Week,.Mar 13-19...
...Finally out of the Deepfreeze in Manitoba, some puddles forming but still a billion tons of snow to melt...
Jim was changing some tires on trailer, and doing some minor maintenance on Big Baby,.meanwhile,.
Toum was weathering a storm at ShangriLao...no major damage , just some broken sugarcane,.everything
still thriving...
...a little hope for spring!,.a few puddles...
...Jim had to dig to find the spare tire supply!...
...plenty of heat required to thaw frozen tires for mounting..
...but let's warm our hearts by visiting Toums' endless gardens...
...some flowers find their way inside Toums' Tiny House...
...delicious Monberries on the vine...
...marvelous Cactus flower...
...yes,..even Cacti grow at amazing ShangriLao...
...now these are delicious flowers,.grown from sugar!...
...Black Sugarcane,.looking weary after heavy wind & rain...
This week,.Feb 27-Mar 5...
With the world in upheaval, we are trying to feel gratitude for our treadmill life of endless winter versus endless
summer, and a separation of 15,000 miles...Jim found time to cut some wood with a neighbour friend,. while Toum
continues planting , and tending to her enormous gardens...
...found some beautiful wood this time...standing dry spruce...
...with snow so insanely deep ,( over 3feet/1metre ),..we are now cutting dead standing trees...
...one of these beauties typically FILLS one of our little trucks...
...got ambitious, and stacked wood out of snow...but enough of winter madness,.let's spend our time in the gardens!...
...EVERYTHING grows at ShangriLao!...
...delicious tomatoes...
...large " Makton " becoming ripe & sweet...
...floral beauty , in front of ShangriLao's water tower...
...misty garden mornings...
...mouth-watering Monberries...in black or red!...
This Week,..Feb 20-26...
The past two weeks have seen unprecedented worldwide demand for freedom & justice...Jim spent time working
with Family to host a Mental Health Winter SnowParty for victims of the Covid Lie,..winter rages on in Manitoba..
SO MUCH snow that roadsigns are buried!...Toum works daily in the relentless summer of ShangriLao...we will
spend our time with her , walking in her endless gardens,.in appreciation,..and in prayer for the world...
...country roads in " Manisnowball ", are reduced to snow tunnels...
...our giant " Tonka "plowed millions of tons of snow, to make parking areas & trails for winter Party...
...winter camping in Manitoba is easy,..you just need a Four wheel drive, one ton truck with a blade!...
...a warm spot in the countryside field...
...our camper is built for winter,..so it was a nice warm place to cook lunch...
...but enough winter ...let's take a long walk in paradise...
...This week,.Jan 24-30...
...We strive to keep this website non-political,..however ,in the modern geo-political narrative, speaking for
" Self-Sufficiency "and "Truth ", may well be portrayed as anarchy ...
He says; For at least 100 years now, gutless, criminal cowards masquerading as political figures while being
in the control of corporate tyrants, has reduced most countries to wastelands of zombie-like Sheeple...
For the past two years I have been utterly ashamed to be Canadian, due to this county's spineless , reaction
to clear, unvalidated, dictatorship...and now, in the past weeks, it has been revealed that the entire scamdemic
was a LIE...ALL those who supported this lie now need to be imprisoned for TREASON, & CRIMINAL
NEGLIGENCE CAUSING DEATH...Tens of thousands of truckers, and million of people stood up this week
for FREEDOM...and the gutless criminals are hiding...I took Big Baby out this week to join a Freedom
Convoy in our area, and stand ready to withdraw my transportation services if the criminals pretending to be
"leaders" force the populace to demand it...NOW is your time to speak & act for FREEDOM,..and remember,
ALL mainstream media is owned and controlled by the same shitbag tyrants that own our politicians...
So, for a few days now, I have finally been proud to be a trucker & a Canadian again....Nuff Sed...
I am sitting in Manisnowball, in yet another blizzard, so I vote that we visit Toum's amazing gardens!...
...OK,..with the knowledge that FREEDOM is NOT free,..let's leave the snow. and learn from the flowers!...
...red rose petals turning white as they are made into tea...
...As stated,.this website is non-political, because we keep it that way,..knowing full well that "politics" is just
a circus distraction for the Steeple,..Case in point;
...as was explained long ago elsewhere on this site,.FREEDOM is our BASIC state,.the Sport of Spiritfarming
involves " moving easily and repeatedly between FREEDOM & JOY", as Freedom is our state of relief from
all things...( yes,.even JOY ) However,.Spiritfarming is difficult when Freedom has been destroyed by
gutless tyrants misleading and assaulting a weak, sleepy populace...
...This week.,Jan 16-23...
...This week feels like life on a treadmill for Jim,.he plowed so much snow on Sunday,.then a blizzard on
Tuesday covered everything with even more White Delight...Toum gets a little break from endless watering
as some rain washes & nurtures beautiful ShangriLao...
...this was the scene in most of Manitoba on Tuesday...
...this was my yard, that was plowed clean two days before...
so, of course, we'll leave winter and spend our time with Toum...
...Moonset at ShangriLao...
...a strawberry soaking up the sunshine...
...following a bevy of floral residents,..an up & coming Makton!...
...and now, after a short walk through the flowers,..it's time for tea!,..homemade from herbs and flowers from her gardens...
...another beautiful medicine,..this is used against cancer...
...these fellows are used to treat Diabetes...
...and this is just healthy fun,..wine being made from the marvellous Somphodee...
...now, let's walk home through the flowers...
...This week,.Jan 9-15,..
...Another week on the road for Jim,.temps rising by the weekend...with a chance of plowing some snow,
hauling some wood from the mountain,.and doing some maintenance work on Big Baby...Toum finds
time beyond her gardening to make some medicine...and some jewelry!...
...Jim found a poor frozen dinosaur on his travels this week!...
...went back to the mountain for wood,..and exercise!...
...found a nice little handful...
...Jim had to shovel to get to the spare tire pile!...but enough snow,.let's go to ShangriLao...
...the fish want to swim right onto shore at feeding time!...
...everything wants to grow at Shangri-Lao!...
...a new crop of strawberries...
...the beautiful Somphondee vegetable...
...delicious drink made from Somphondee is very high in Vitamin C...
...when this amazing tree-like flower is flowering,..it has no leaves!...
...and it's flowers are beautiful...
...Toum found time & energy to create some beautiful stone & pearl bracelets ...
...This week,.Jan 2-8...
...Jim is back on the road with Big Baby, even though temps are still low, and winds are high,.with more snow...
we will spend our time mostly with Toum in summer gardens, and also visit an older fabrication project, on our
"Prolomotion" page...
...okay,...enough snow, lol...
...this custom-built motorcycle hauler is featured this week on our "Prolomotion"page...
...let's spend some time in the gardens!...
...another brand new Lotus!...
...aahh,..a walk in the garden helps to shorten the winter!...
...this week,.Dec 26-Jan 1...
...Jim is staying close to his stove as temps touch -50 in Manitoba!, and Monday seen a large snowfall,..
spring seems like a distant dream,.so we will visit there only momentarily, then spend our time in
beautiful ShangriLao, amidst the flowers,fruits & ( green ) trees!...
...one Quick glimpse of Manitoba,.then we're off to warmer climes!...
...aahhh,.it feels warmer already...
...one of the Tiny Houses, nestled in luscious greenery...
...delicious climbing sweet vegetable...
...colorful fruit...
...young banana tree...
...Papaya leaves...
...baby vegetables growing from old vegetables...
...furry, baby " Makton ",.a sweet, climbing vegetable...
...older brother...
...much older brother!...
...baby Blackberry tree...
...so many seedlings...
...Japanese Bamboo...
...young Mango...
...young Papaya...
...Makton brothers...
...baby Makton...
...flowering fruit...
...we'll visit a few floral residents...
...this week Dec 19-25...
...This week seems alittle more positive for Jim, although Manisnoball is still frozen solid...he will be visited
by his son for an xmas break, & Big Baby will have a rest for a week or so...it doesn't look much like xmas at
ShangriLao,..but Toum has an xmas tree in her amazing collection!,..meanwhile, the relentless gardening &
creating continues,.. and everyone pitches in...no matter how big or small!...
...nothing new in " Manisnowball"...
...business as usual in glorious ShangriLao as well!...
...we'll begin this week with a stroll through Toum's vegetable collection...
...veggies grow everywhere at ShangriLao!...
...and so many vegetables are pretty enough to be flowers...
...even a kid would eat these beautiful veggies! lol...
...okay,..these are technically fruit...two kinds of PassionFruit...
...so,..we've switched to fruit...we will check out the banana situation..
...nothing matches vine-ripened fruit,..
...some of these rascals are ready to eat!..
...also,..many of these banana species have powerful medicinal value,..in treating cancer among other ailments...
...we'll walk through the flower garden awhile before we go...
...whether feeding chickens or fish,. digging potatoes,.or wheeling plant food ( manure ),..the President's helper is always on the job!...
...and a bonus for the week...another wonderful creation by Toum's tireless fingers...
...this week,..Dec 12-28...
...With summer in Manitoba still too distant to even imagine,.Jim simply hopes day-to-day that Big Baby doesn't
succumb to frostbite, and tries to keep his mind on his other home in the land of endless summer,..Toum has
procured some new plants,.and found some that were simply hiding in the vast ShangriLao gardens!...
...with temps nudging -30,..Jim keeps the fire burning all the time he is home!...
...obviously, we are going to look at flowers rather than frost!, lol...
...not a flower,.but one of the 160 Pineapple trees growing at ShangriLao!...
...this "little" fellow was discovered hiding in the sprawling gardens...
...this guy, and his partner above had already been discovered,.these vine growing, tree climbing vegetable
rascals are about 9 pounds ( 4 kg )!...
...nearby, more Papaya are being born...
...and a few more floral offerings to end the week...
...this week,..Dec 5-11...
...Jim is treading water,.er..I mean " snow"...in the frozen wasteland called Manitoba, trying to keep busy with
Big Baby until warmer times ( 8 months! ),..Toum carries on watering & planting & growing in the ceaseless
summer of Shangri-La,.and , unfortunately , had to travel to a funeral this week...
...unfortunately, this is Manitoba ( AKA Manisnowball ) for many months yet to come, so we will look at the
ShangriLao summer-land instead!...
...aahhh,. yes...flowers & summer just always seem to look better than snowdrifts...
...this handsome fellow is not a flower...
...but actually a marvellous fruit tree!...
...on a more somber note, Toum travelled to a family funeral this week...
...family ties & traditions are very strong in Lao,..truly remarkable...
...but back to flowers...and now we will talk about a Queen....
...this is a Queen Orchid,..she has been in Toum's possession for over 30 years!...
...this is the Queen in bloom...
...truly Majesty...
...this week,..Nov 28-Dec 4...
...The contrast between our two homes is becoming quite stark...Jim heads into ( seemingly ) endless winter,..
while Toum stays very busy with Her endless summer,..although still finding time to create yet another beautiful
garment...for the sake of sanity,we will focus more on ShangriLao than Manisnowball,..until the weather warms!..
...although it can be argued that a frosty sunrise can be beautiful,..I am partial to the ones at ShangriLao!...
...again, a close up view of a snowflake is truly gorgeous,..but just too dang chilly!...
...this is an example of typical seating for the restaurant at ShangriLao...remember, it is ALWAYS summer!...
...this week the fish are being moved to a larger pond & fresher water...
...one of Toum's incredible NEW flowers...
...yet another " spare time" project of a multi-talented Lady...
...meanwhile, in " Manisnowball", Canada...Jim fired up" Tonka"to clear snow away from shop...
...let's return to the warm paradise of ShangriLao,..this is a fruity vegetable that is also an herb!...
...another fruity vegetable...
...ahh,.classic Shangri-Lao...
...more new arrivals to the garden...
...and another new Papaya...
..this week,.Nov 21-27...
...Jim is back on the road with Big Baby,temps dipping to -25, but not too much snow,..Toum is watering & weeding &
planting & harvesting,..and cooking...in sunny ( but dry ) ShangriLao...
...no new parts available these days...and, consequently, no rebuilt differentials...so a good used unit had to be located...
...got new ( used ) unit & power divider & yoke & new 3 piece seal installed...
...got new seal installed on through-shaft...
..." they "wanted $900 for the driver kit for new style seals ( seriously ),..but Jim was able to make a set for $175...
...time to get out of the workshop, and wander through the endless, amazing gardens of ShangriLao...
...an up & coming Banana tree...
...baby eggplant...
...more Chili...
...MUCH more Chili!...
...fur bearing, vegetable growing in tree !...
...Zuchini grows on trees in ShangriLao...
...another winter morning at Shangri-Lao...
..."Old Boab ", ripened,..the sponge-like material makes perfect scrub pads!...
...delicious Black Sesame seeds...
...this week,.Nov 14-20,...
...Jim is trying to adjust to instant winter,.working on Big Baby,..retrieved most of the required parts from the city on Tuesday,
in a blizzard...Toum is adjusting to hot,dry weather, making for extra work watering the expansive gardens at Shangri-Lao,..
but still finding time & energy for some needlework!...
...mechanical problem in front differential...
...power divider is OK...
...dug alittle deeper ,.found worn spline on pinion shaft drive gear...
...meanwhile, in amazing ShangriLao,.summer rolls on perpetually!...
...some tasty veggies from the backyard...
...another creation from Toum's talented fingers!...
...this week,.Nov 7-13...
...Well,.winter has officially arrived in Manitoba!,.Jim is working in the shop,.with numerous trips to the woodpile,.meanwhile..." winter "
is arriving at ShangriLao as well,.Toum said the temperature would be dipping to + 19!...she is planting& harvesting&re-designing clothes...
...a " Winter Morning " , flowers behind one of the " Tiny-Houses " at Shangri-Lao...
...Winter Flowers...
...hmmm,.a little more appealing than snow!...
...meanwhile, in Manisnowball,..Jim is taking Big Baby apart,..looking for an annoying vibration...
... needing to dig alittle deeper,. had to bring in the crane!...
...Jim put one of the woodpiles close to the shop,...it's that time of year ( for the next 8 months!)...
...let's take a walk through Toum's GardenWorld,..this flower will become a Papaya fruit...
...and this little fellow too!...
...let's visit the vegetable garden...this is a Sweet Potato Tree...
...these are the Potato Tree potatoes...
...this is a Red Sweet Potato bush/vine...
...these are the potatoes...
...these are sweet potatoes becoming supper in a bamboo steamer...
...these are roasted Peanuts for dessert!...
...this is another normal garden vegetable...
...with rice and sesame seeds...
...in her " spare " time, Toum is creating marvellous pieces of clothing...
...beautiful,..and looking warm!,..perhaps it should go to Manisnowball...
...this week,.Oct 31-Nov 6...
...In Manitoba, winter has miraculously not yet appeared,.although Jim will need to dig the carrots this weekend,.also for weekend entertainment,
Jim will be hunting an elusive vibration in Big Baby...Toum is as busy as always at Shangri-Lao,. the harvest never stops!,.everything grows,
and becomes more beautiful...more pics will be on " ShangriLao" page...
...a tasty basket full of garden bounty...
...I love Lotus by the handfuls!...
...just another average ShangriLao morning!...
...one of the hundreds of floral offerings...
...The President's Helper digging sweet potatoes...
..so far this weekend , Jim got sidetracked replacing a couple air bags on the Super-B...
...some shiny new units,.the old ones were either 10 or 20 years old, he can't really remember!...
...one of the new units installed...good for another 10 ( or 20 ) years...
...and he did actually dig up the carrot crop...( now the weather should warm up! )...
...this week,..Oct 24-30...
...the weekly diet of highway driving for Jim had an impulsive, but frugal,..end, when he got a chance to collect a nice little camper for next to nothing!...
and while it's obvious that He & Dr. Toum will retire to their ShangriLao estate,..they plan to explore the ( summer ) geography of Canada for
about a decade first!...and summer rolls endlessly along at ShangriLao,..Toum is doing some needlework,..watching some new melons arriving,.
harvesting some miniature Sugarcane,..counting Her Lotus,..and even finding some unknown flowers!...
...a sweet little melon arriving...
...miniature, sweet sugarcane...
...delicate flowers of little sugarcane...
...Orchids new & old...
...a splendid Lotus...
...a double-splendid Lotus!...
...any flowers in pairs are rather splendid...
...breathtaking...Fabulous, Incredible ,ShangriLao...
...the un-named offerings are gorgeous too!...
...this week,.Oct 17-23...
Jim is on the road,..trying to cover some extra miles before the onset of endless winter...took the time on the weekend to grab a
load of wood from Wildernear...Toum is busy as usual, also threshing some delicious new rice this week!...
...more new pics on "ShangriLao" page...
...In Jim's world,.winter is beginning very serious " Hinting ",.the Frozen Garden looks sadly beautiful...
...meanwhile,.halfway across the earth at ShangriLao,.summer steamrolls ahead...
...strange as it seems ,.enjoy the continuing " culture clash collage" of Hot&Cold below...
...Gardening is finished for this year in Manitoba,.Jim cleared and tilled his little garden...
...Grabbed " Tonka "for a little roof repair on The Made & Found Manor ,.he makes a pretty good scaffold!...
...this week,.Oct 10-16...
...Jim is back on the road with Big Baby,.plus keeping one eye on "Jack Frost"...will probably need to clear the garden this weekend...
...Toum is busy as always,.planting growing, harvesting, maintaining, making custom clothes,..and helping to raise a Grandson!...
...the stunning Lotus are getting more abundant,..and Toum keeps enlarging the ponds!..
...as predicted, Jack Frost arrives!...
...necessitating the harvesting of the Taters, ( and tomatoes,and beans,and cucumbers, etc )...
...Jim ventured to his brothers' farm for our " TONKA ",giant wheel loader,..in preparation for plowing our lovely, soon to be arriving snow...
Tonka is rather LARGE,.he needs most of the road!...
...Jim also positioned our pet Eagle in the shop for some maintenance...
...A quick trip to Wildernear ,. to fire up the " Rat Bus ",..a yearly procedure while the old fellow waits patiently!...
...Meanwhile, halfway across the Earth,..our energetic young GardenAngel is busy trimming the vines along the lengthy fences of Shangri-Lao...
...this week,..Oct 3-9...
...while the seasons for Toum & Jim have been relatively similar for the past few months,..the " seasonal " aspect of Manitoba is starting to
show itself in contrast to the endless summer of ShangriLao!...Jim is starting maintenance on the front wheels of Big Baby, while making final
preparations for winter,.( including a few quick rides in the lingering autumn weather!),..Toum is planting and harvesting as always, her glorious
7 foot tall rice nearly ripe...New Posts this week on "ShangriLao",.and "Prolomotion"...
...soon to be a delicious ripe Passionfruit!...
...a Sunday jaunt on a country road beside Wildernear...
...amazing giant rice nearly ripened...
...one of the thousands of gorgeous floral inhabitants of ShangriLao...
...this week,.Sept 26-Oct 2...
...Jim decides to take a whirlwind 2000 km road trip to the Badlands at the juncture of Montana, Saskatchewan, and Alberta,..then returns
home to commence more maintenance on Big Baby, transplant Raspberries, and build a potato box!...
...Toum is busy enlarging a Lotus Pond,.and creating even more needlework!...
...vintage child's bonnet , with newly added fringe!..
...one of Toum's stunning floral offerings...more pics will be on "ShangriLao" page...
...Badlands as advertised,..hot, dry, and dusty!..."Gentleman's Adventure Bike"performed without a hiccup!..
...( more trip pics will be on "Prolomotion"page)
...beginnings of the "Potato Box'...
...completed instrument...
...disasembled, ( for passage through the basement door!),...to be re-incarnated below...
...beginning maintenance work on Big Baby...
...this week,..Sept 19-25...
...Jim is working on numerous small projects around the yard & shop in preparation for winter...
..Toum shares more of the delicious foods & flowers of ShangriLao...
...Jim is trying to turn a section of lawn into a planting area for a Raspberry patch,.with his 35 year old tiller!...
...a small side project of changing a wheel bearing on his homemade motorcycle trailer...
...this week,..Sept 12-18...
...Toum is busy planting even more,..from sweet potatoes to mangoes ,..plus re-furbishing some favourite cloths in her " spare time "...
...Jim has finished the second of the "B " train trailers ,..doing some yard/garden work & some fun projects...even preserving some corn,..
...for Manitoba's infamous 9 month winter!..
...new postings on "Another Starving Heartiest ",." Shangri-Lao",.and "Prolomotion "...
... this week,..Sept 5-11...
...Jim changes from trailer maintenance to truck maintenance ...
...Toum continues the endless work of ShangriLao,..and happily welcomes the arrival of the new Lotus crop...
...new posts on "ShangriLao",..and "Prolomotion"...
...this week,..August 29-Sept 4...
...Toum shares another natural medicinal plant from her " Mega-Garden ",.as well as some of her incredible flowers , including fabulous Orchids...
Jim is nearing completion of maintenance on the lead trailer of the " Super-B ", including some fancy purple paint!...He is also looking for excuses
to ride his " Gentleman's Adventure Bike " around the countryside in search of newly ripened Cranberries...
..this week,..August 22-28...
...Toum is translating more herbal medicine , this time one,( or 3! ) for Covid,..Jim will try to get a few more berries, ( and keep on preserving beans!)...
Jim is making alittle more headway on the "Super-B ", plus doing a couple small jobs on the " Tanvan ",..Toum is also adding more fruit trees, and
harvesting some " eastern sweet potatoes "...new posts on "Hearticultures",." ShangriLao",.and "Prolomotion"...
... August 15-21...
...Toum shares more traditional foods/Herbal medicines...Jim does a small paint touch-up on the "Tanvan",...
...builds and road tests another "Gentleman's Adventure Bike...
...and continues ( slowly ),on maintenance work on the " Super-B "...
...new posts on "Hearticultures",.."Prolomotion",..and "ShangriLao"...
...August 8-14...
...a peek at incremental improvements to "The Shop",..updates on the "paint job",..etc, etc...
Toum will be sharing another traditional Herbal remedy, as well as more of the thousands ( millions?) of flowers at ShangriLao...
...new posts on"ShangriLao", "Workshop"(Townsite),"Hearticultures",and "Prolomotion"...
...August 1-7...
...while the harvest continues 365 days per year at ShangriLao,.the once-yearly harvest panic in central Manitoba has begun early due to relentless
dry weather conditions...Jim is busy trying to re-learn how to preserve fruits & vegetables...Toum shares more flowers and trees from her ever
expanding Farm-Garden,..as well as more beautiful needlework...Jim shares glimpses of preparations for upcoming Smallhouse basement rebuild,
a shop ( cool spot ) project,.."Super-B" maintenance update,..and some yard work at the Townsite...
...July 25-31 / 2021...
...the world seems to be on fire these days, and lately Manitoba is no exception,..Jim is working on "Super B " maintenance , ( and garden
watering ),..Toum is watering also, the rainy season not quite yet underway...she shares some glimpses of her incredible tree collection,.some of her
beadwork,.and another Herbal remedy grown on ShangriLao...New postings on "Another Starving Heartist",."Hearticultures",." Shangrilao",
and " Prolomotion "...
...July 18-24 /2021...
...while world events have slowed our infrastructure development at Shangri-Lao ,"Mother Nature's " endless summer marches on...Toum shares pictures
of many growing things, as well as more home-made medicine...Jim begins some maintenance on our " Super B " trailers, as well as sharing some pics &
stories of the "Ridem"...New postings on "ShangriLao", "Prolomotion" & " Hearticultures"...
...July 11-17 / 2021
..weather for Toum & I is generally opposite,.night/day-winter/summer,.but we are both in summer-like weather at the moment...while she will now begin
her rainy season,.and I will begin my last bit of summer...although Toum cares for thousands of plants daily, she is tireless, and during the heat of the day
she works indoors on endless projects,.some of her handiwork is displayed this week on " Another Starving Heartist"page,.and she shares some traditional
Herbal medicine on her " Hearticultures" page...new posting also on "Prolomotion"...
...July 4-10/ 2021...
...on the Canadian ( Manitoba ) portion of our Life Experiment, the summer is pleasant but rather dry...Jim is spending time mowing grass, watering
the small garden and freshly planted fruit trees,.upgrading two of our vintage tractors , and putting the finishing touches on our new ( 1976 )
" Gentleman's Adventure Bike "...meanwhile, 25,000 kilometres away, Toum is planting, growing, and researching traditional/ancient herbal &
homeopathic information, much of which she translates from other languages...New postings on " Hearticultures" and " Prolomotion"