DieselHobo expounds on "Prolineer" suspicions / directions...
The Spiritfarming model/suspicion is outlined in "Proletarian Pioneer, The Book!", and it follows that the act of indulging the model becomes the Sport of Spiritfarming. This sport runs concurrent with the inclination of Prolineers, and , in my case manifests as the sizeable living experiment/sustainable inhabitable art project, that bears the name Spiritfarming.
The project is unfolding on three neighbouring locations with dovetailing themes.
TOWNSITE; one entire block of our small town, including a 1500 sq. ft. shop & a small house, both of which are being rebuilt, plus a garden, and a sizeable treed area.
MADE&FOUND MANOR; 1908 church, 2 streets over, to be repurposed into a large, eclectic, hand made lodging.
WILDERNEAR; 160 acres of forested heaven, nearby, on the first shoulder of the Duck Mountains. Replete with spring water, being repurposed into a powerful ecosophical destination.
Thanks to my partnership with " Dr Toum ", the latest manifestation of Spiritfarming is being built on our property in Lao(s) PDR
DieselHobo rambles about themes, schemes, and dreams,...in theSport of FarmArt...
the oldest ghost
Inadvertently, while living and building the life experiment of the Sport of Spiritfarming, several thematic flavors became popular, while still residing under the basic suspicion of Spiritfarming, which is , of course, "moving easily and repeatedly between freedom and joy".
Through Proletarian Pioneer, Prolpunk, Frankenpunk, and subsequently "Justpunk"...whereupon it became the obvious representative of the overall Heartset. For no matter how hard you pretend that you are important & special, regardless of how your ego tries to bullshit your heart that life is "real" & "serious", it's ALWAYS all about Justpunk...here is Nostalgia...here is Heart...here is Creaturehood...
Whimsey, Wishes & Whatnots...here was all the good stuff...Spiritfarming =Justpunk
So here is the Name of the ONLY thing we actually DO...
behind all the legacies,labels & lies...
behind all the legends, loves & laughs...
behind the lifetimes...
When you finally stop pretending, you will see that WHIMSEY, WISHES & WHATNOTS are the essence of the Game Of Man...
(That's a GOOD thing...)